Democratic Presidential Contenders Chart Different Paths to Clean Energy

With the upcoming 2020 elections, the idea of climate change and reducing carbon emission is a popular topic of the lips of the democratic candidates. Scientists say that revolutionary changes could reverse climate change effects and most candidates are looking at net-zero carbon emissions by a soon upcoming date. Specifically, Bernie Sander and Elizabeth Warren are on track for zero emissions in about a decade or so. About 63% of energy last year came from coal and natural gas while 19% of energy came from nuclear power and 17% from hydro power.

My opinion on all of this is bleak at best. Not in the way that I think the world is gonna end if we don't fix our carbon problem, but the fact that these candidates think this is gonna work. Renewable energy isn't reliable and can't be used efficiently. A great alternative would be nuclear power but none of these candidates are willing to support it. Natural gas fracking is a great alternative even though it isn't perfect. it eliminates 60%-70% of carbon emissions and is at least a good step in the right direction to change this. Its a shame because at this point I think these candidates are just trying to run this country into the ground. Clearly these plans would destroy the economy, raise taxes, and cause high unemployment. Overall I think we should slowly, not rapidly, transition from high carbon emissions to gas fracking or nuclear power.



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