Groundwater pumping crisis

This article is on the over pumping of ground water for uses like farming which is destroying the underground water table. When we pump to much ground water out at one time the source of water that takes from this on the surface begins to dry out. This is called the tipping point and can dry out the streams and rivers, destroying the ecosystems within them. The problem is if we continue to do what we are doing now, 50 percent of the pumped watersheds will have reached this tipping point by 2050. Overall, research shows that we will destroy surface water ecosystems if we continue to pump the groundwater at the rate we do now.

This article shocked me because I did not know we were using that much groundwater. I do not understand why we are wasting so much groundwater for farming in areas that are dry. It would make more sense if you used the better climates for growing and did not try to grow in the dry climates of Mexico and India. They could instead just get there products form shipments. It seems like a problem we need to take care of now and cannot wait. Because once the water is gone, there is no coming back from that. Therefore, if needs to be solved before we are too deep into a hole and out of water.


  1. I agree with the idea that dry areas do not need water. If we are wasting so much water would it not be easier to just ship supplies over there then waste all this water?


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