Oceans losing oxygen

December 8, 2019

A recent study published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature has revealed that the world's oceans have lost 2% of their oxygen between 1960 and 2010. The study was carried out by 67 scientists from 17 different countries around the world. Dan Laffoley, the principal adviser of the union's marine and polar program, has stated that some parts of the ocean have experienced a 40-50% reduction in oxygen. The scientists discovered that climate change is the main cause of this issue, but other human activities, such as nutrient runoff from fertilizers, have also added to this issue. Laffoley has also stated that the loss of oxygen in the ocean can negatively affect the planetary cycles of nitrogen and phosphorus, which are both essential for life. Overall, I believe that this is just more proof that climate change is a very serious issue and that we have to work to come up with a solution for it immediately.

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  1. This is just one example of how climate change is an important issue that effects us all. I agree that something needs to be done in order for us to stop the earth from changing so rapidly.


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