A New Spin on Lab-Grown Meat

As earths population increases, the demand for food grows. This causes many issues for the planet and for the animals. So to solve this issue, people might one day grow meat in factories instead of having to harvest it from farmed animals.So far, lab-grown meat haven’t matched the texture of the animal muscles eaten as meat. One new way scientist are trying to mimic this is by using a technique kinda like spinning cotton candy. It grows meat with more structure.Growing meat in a lab could also mean we wont have to kill lots of animals and it will also lower the environmental costs that come with raising livestock. It takes a lot of land and water to grow animals. So cutting that out will help our environment too.


I was blown away by this article, it amazes me what people can come up with, and I believe that this could be a valid way for us to be able to enjoy meant while also helping the environment at the same time. 


  1. It's amazing to see what substitutes are being curated to replace the excessive consumption of meat in our society. And while, right now it's taking a lot of work to make such substitutes, I am a firm believer that with continued effort, meat substitutes will be able to be pushed out to the public readily so that they're accessible to everyone. Overall, the changes to the meat industry that would come with this implementation of another option, will help to reduce the amount of animals we have to raise in order to feed the public, lessening the land these animals are predicted to take up, and I'm in full support of that.

  2. This reminds me of my article that I wrote about this month too. I wrote about man made frogs and how they are reusable, safer, and are used for education purposes. This helps save thousands of frog lives making it more humane. Your article also mentions the environmental changes along with your articles substitution of animals. But, with your article it has the same idea of using other elements and materials to replicate animals parts.

  3. This would be a great thing for the environment, if it works out! With a fake meat, this would save the large amount of animals slaughtered every year and it would be much better for our changing planet. I believe that we will be able to accomplish this in the near future and it will be out in grocery stores. I support this being done and hope it works out.

  4. The only question I have is how are they going to fully replicate the flavor, nutrients, and proper texture of multiple different animals, and then mass produce the product on top on that? If this works and it's an identical substitute, then I would be all for it. I love meat but I hate the fact that we have to slaughter animals in order to be able to eat it.


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