Viral Disease Killing Marine Life

A viral disease that was killing thousands of European harbor seals has spread to sea lions in the pacific. Initially scientists were puzzled about how the disease had traveled so far. Phocine distemper virus is highly contagious for the animals it effects but will not effect humans. The director at University of California Davis examined 15 years of measurements of arctic ice data and information from animals that had been tagged. The conclusion that was reached stated that the warming climate changed environmental factors that made it possible for the virus to move to a new ecosystem full of sea life. An example of this is how the ice melt off of Russia increased exposure to both oceans because of new waterways opening and the already infected animals came into contact with new species which were more susceptible to contracting it. But like how warmer water is creating large toxic algae blooms this is just another way our changing climate has effect marine wildlife.

This is an interesting article because of how untalked about this issue is. Many issues such as the toxic algae blooms get lots of media coverage and other ways that climate change is effecting wild life are over shadowed. Its important to bring awareness to all ways that we have impacted and are hurting marine life.

Seal bois


  1. Those poor animals! This is very interesting because it is not talked about as much as some of the other issues regarding the different climate change affects. I agree that we need to definitely bring awareness to all of the ways that global warming is affecting our marine life.


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