NASA's 'Treasure Map' of Water Ice on Mars

       As NASA wanted to follow the water on mars they have and have found places for humans to land. With the data that they have they have been able to find one landing spot on the plant that promises water just a inch under the surface. With this we are able to soon send a research team up there. With this spot it would be ideal to land due to it being temperate, mid latitude region with plenty of sunlight. With this map NASA will be able to find more landing for research teams on the planet. With this easy discover by 2030 NASA is looking at sending a research team up, but with the water ice caps there is plenty of water but it would not be good for a long mission because its too cold and dark for a part of the year.

ReflectionI think this is great news due that we might be able to explore mars in 2030 and learn if we could actually inhabit this planet and if this works out we could be inhabiting two planets and getting closer to unknown planets in our solar system. This will also let us know that we can actually move to new planets if we need to and allow us to discover new planets that we could live on.


  1. I thought the plan was to have people on Mars by like 2022. But maybe that was SpaceX's plan.

  2. this is cool! one step closer to moving to mars.

  3. The knowledge side the space race has greatly increased witch allows us to expand .

  4. While this is most definitely a cool, and life changing discovery, I would say it's safe to say that nothing regarding inhabiting the planet Mars will be happening anytime soon. I definitely don't think it's the safest idea either to send a big group of people to Mars, being that we have yet to learn more about it's environment and capability of sustaining actual life. However, I'm not doubting that it may be a possibility in the far future.

  5. This is incredible how far we've come as far as space exploration. My only concern is people will begin to view the Earth as more expandable than they already do due to the fact that we could inhabit elsewhere.


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