Animals Rule Chernobyl

The Nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl impacted not only the people that resided in that area, but all the animals that inhabited that areas as well. Scientists believe that this area has now become a "sanctuary" for all types of animals. This could be very true simply based on the fact that no humans inhabit this area and can prevent them from moving into the area, or preventing them from taking shelter from their surroundings. There are however, some mutations within the aquatic life around that are because of the amounts of radiation that they were subjected to. This has caused the fish to grow to bigger sizes, or even develop other physical mutations. Click here to access a video of a fish captured from the waterways surrounding Chernobyl.

What are some ways that we can help clean up the waterways, and maybe even restore the town that is now a ghost town? We may never be able to full clean up this area, but maybe we could try to make it safer for people to visit, or even possibly live there again. This still may not ever happen because of the amounts of nuclear waste the land has been exposed to.

Click here for the article


  1. I wasn't able to read the article without having to give them my email but I watched the video. I wonder if the mutated fish are safe to eat...

  2. I see this simply as mother nature claiming back what was once hers. No matter what us humans do to an area, nature always seems to push through and reclaim what was lost. Maybe its a sign that humanity should not try to reclaim this area, but it couldn't hurt if we tried to help and heal the land.


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