Fast Fashion Consequences

Fast fashion is the act of rapidly and inexpensively producing clothing in order to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Some fast fashion stores consist of Zara or H&M. Although it may not seem like your clothing has an effect on the environment, it does. In fact, fast fashion is the second largest pollutant in our environment. A man by the name of Hasan Minhaj said that in 2015 the amount of greenhouse gasses being produced from textiles had more emissions than than flights and maritime shipping. Textiles have such a huge impact that it was also proven that if everybody bought one used clothing item, instead of new, every year, it would be equivalent to removing 500,000 cars from the roads.


  1. Here's a link to the episode. P.S. He curses alot! (Sorry, I don't have the ability to hyperlink in comments.


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