Ocean Acidification Threatens Economy

NOAA has measured a rise in the oceans acidity in the recent years. If the acidity keeps rising it will drastically impact marine organisms and the economy. This will effect commercial fisherman, tourism, and coral reefs that all create an income to the economy. The rise in acidity will especially hurt species that have shells like crabs and lobsters. The regions that are most in danger is Alaska's wealthy fishing economy and the coral reefs around Florida that provide tourism and protection from floods. This is all caused by the continuous use of fossil fuels. When we burn the fossil fuels the carbon is absorbed by the upper layers of the ocean.


I think this is a major issue because not only would our environment be greatly impacted, but our economy would be impacted too. If the fisheries are not saved in Alaska around 50,000 jobs will be lost which is not good. I believe that if we want to try and stop the rise of acidic levels in the ocean we need to try and use cleaner energy sources like solar energy. This is also a major issue in my opinion because coral reefs would be destroyed which would not give any habitat to the creatures that need it and it would also effect areas like Florida where the reefs help stop flooding.


  1. It is very important that we keep these levels down so that it keeps marine life healthy in number and ensure their population is not destroyed and that our economy stays strong so that we can keep jobs.

  2. This is a very substantial topic because it shows how our environmental problems correlate with our economic ones and it shows how these kinds of studies open our eyes to what happens if our environment is not managed/regulated.

  3. This is a very sad thing to hear, but if the levels do rise we might see the shellfish adapt to fit that certain environment. On the other had if the levels rise at an extreme rate the shellfish could be one endangered and eventual it could led to extinction.


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