The Dwindling Platypus Population

This article is about how platypus population are dwindling in Australia due to drought from the wild fires and from dams being built on Australia rivers the dams disrupt the population because they slow down the water flow which in turn dis erupts the population of shrimp and insects that feed the platypuses. Also doesn't allow the platypuses to find susceptible homes because the river levels are extremely low not allowing them to make burrows. This problem should gain the attention of the public because it would be terrible if the platypus would go extinct because it is one of the most interesting animals because it is the only mammal that lays eggs.

I feel that its important to bring light to the situation in Australia with their wildfires causing extreme drought which disturbs the habitat of the platypuses. The platypus  is a very interesting creature and it would be a shame if this creature went extinct.


  1. This just goes to show how everything we humans do affects the land and life around us.

  2. Thats crazy! they are such great animals and it is such a shame to see them die. i wonder if they will come back.


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