Online Shopping Is Worse For Environment Than Driving to the Store, Study Says

Studies at Radboud University in the Netherlands has found that online shopping is more harmful for the environment than going to the store and purchasing the item yourself.  Due to the fact that you get multiple smaller packages instead of one large package with smaller things.  Also there is the fast delivery that may use more gas and transportation to make it to the destination as quickly as possible.  Results showed that gas emissions were higher for online shopping 81% of the time.  This relates to what we are learning in APES because we are discussing how what we do as humans pollutes the Earth and affects the planet.  



  1. I can't stand when companies do this! I can order the smallest thing from amazon and then still be sent a huge cardboard box filled with the air cushioning. Though Amazon tries to justify this by saying that you can recycle or send the packages back, it is still very upsetting to see another large company that do not care about the environment. Online shopping is very convenient and that is why many people use it, but they do not think about it in the long run.


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