Briefing of Corona Virus and Trump Reelection

Summary: Trump held a news briefing to focus on the concerns of the American people, but the people asking were investors and they were concerned over the Corona virus. Majority of the time was spent talking about how Trump should be reelected. And the speakers seemed less interested in Corona and more concerned with trying to make Trump sound better. Trump did talk about the prevention's America has been taking like closing airports and cancelling flights. Donald Trump has also stated that Mike Pence will be leading the prevention of Corona. Pence also commented that we are very safe in America under the leadership and guidance of Trump. Alex Azar, the Health and Human Services Secretary, also greatly praised Trump's efforts more than address what is going on with Corona. Trump said the vaccine should be coming soon while Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, said it will take some time to come up with a vaccine or that I'll take a little longer than what Trump is saying. Trump then asked for questions and was given market based questions instead of virus based, but he was happy to answer the questions regarding the market. There is a case in Northern California that was just confirmed and the individual wasn't in any areas that have had a confirmed case of the Corona Virus. 
Reaction: I honestly find it annoying that Trump is addressing the Corona Virus, but on the top of his list is getting reelected or making decisions to make him look "good". For example, in the article Trump talks about shutting down flights and talked about how he was criticized for doing it so early, and that he is a good leader for that. That's what any sensible person would think of doing first. Yes, he is taking precautions, but he is also praising himself every time he does something "good" or small. And his cabinet and others that work with him should also stop worrying about making him look good and worry about containing this virus that is most likely going to spread some more. Because even if he did close down those flights the virus could be anywhere. Exactly like the Northern California case where the individual wasn't in any infected areas, but has the virus.



  1. I definitely feel as if this announcement was a complete waste of time, and provided no real context to the problem at hand. Being that this outbreak is causing mass hysteria and confusion among the public should show that it, if Trump really set out to quell the madness that is being caused nationally, it should of been imperative to answer people's questions and provide some knowledge of the solutions being put in place for the prevention of this sickness. While, all this news briefing did was present reasons to reelect him for doing very simple things now, but not giving any information on prevention besides trying to cut off traveling to and from the United States.

  2. It truly unnecessary that Trump use that announcement that should've been about how we are going to keep our country and its people from spreading the virus and potentially dying, but instead it was said in a way that created more panic over the problem. It did not help ease anyone's mind or help provide ways to prevent it from spreading. All in all, he should not have even spoken about it unless it was strictly to cut off traveling, provide more monetary help to hospitals, etc because he is not a trained professional or a scientist.


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