Air pollution killing many

Everyday 93% of children under the age of fifteen breath dangerous polluted air. In 2016 over 600,000 kids died because of lower respiratory infections. Air pollution can cause problems for children in their developing and can cause problems like asthma or worse problems like cardiovascular disease. I think this is a horrible problem and something needs to be done to treat this problem. 


  1. SO how do we deal with a problem that is not only caused by one country, but many AND our own country is turning back regulations that help?

  2. I feel like countries that have higher air pollution would have more kids breathing in this dangerous air. These studies are probably from all over the world, but I wonder if the numbers are so high because a majority of the deaths are from high air pollution countries.

  3. I honestly think it's horrible how the air we breathe is becoming worse and only a bigger problem. Like you said, we need to step up as a nation and find better ways to prevent it from becoming worse. I also, feel like air pollution is becoming one of our major problems and we need to do more about it before it ends up being too late.


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