Building a Better Mosquito Trap - One Scientist Thinks He's Done It

This article was about a scientist in Australia who thinks he has designed a trap that will keep Asian tiger mosquitos from flourishing anymore. The man has built a trap with 3 buckets, one black one on the top, a clear one in the middle and another black one on the bottom. The mosquitos are supposed to be attracted to the black, fly inside the first bucket and get trapped inside. The bottom bucket is supposed to be filled with water and rotted grass because mosquitos like to lay eggs in stagnant water. The trap that the man built is only effective, though, if everybody does it because mosquitos will not necessarily be attracted to your trap if they see something they like more at your neighbor's house.


  1. Hopefully the mosquito trap works so that diseases carried by mosquitoes wont spread as much.

  2. This is very interesting the only problem is that everyone needs to participate to have results. The idea behind the trap has potential and it would be great to eliminate the possibility of getting diseases from mosquitoes by trapping them.

  3. Mosquitoes seem like they are getting worse and worse every year, hopefully more people will be exposed to this article.


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