Is being vegan better for the environment?

Over the last couple of years the number of people using the plant-based diet or the vegan diet has increased quite a bit and for a couple different of reasons. Is being a vegan better for the environment? it does save some animals but we don't need everyone going vegan. The vegan industry is expected to hit one billion dollars by 2020 and 600% increase of vegan eaters in the last 10 years. Being vegan can be quite expensive and if we did all turned vegan it would not be good with the demand of meat going down and the price of vegan food would be going up.

My Response is it will help our environment to a certain extent, no I do not think that everyone should go vegan but if you don't meats or want to lose weight here is a solution for you.


  1. I think that the vegan lifestyle is a great lifestyle for some, but as said in the summary, vegan food is expensive and therefore it is not always the most logical and reasonable alternative. However, if one can afford the lifestyle, go for it!

  2. I think that it is very important that not everybody goes vegan. The last sentence of your summary is very true, if everybody was to go vegan then the supply and demand for vegan foods and non-vegan foods would be extremely off balance.

  3. If everybody went vegan then there would be a lot of animals that keep reproducing but not getting killed because nobody needs their resources. I think it is good for some people to be vegan but we still need to have people that are not vegan because with all the animals they need to eat so if they eat plants and keep reproducing the environment will be in trouble.

  4. I think being vegan is a great change for the environment, good post John! :}


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