Increase of Venomous Marine Life Due to Climate Change

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, climate change expected to occur over the next few decades could potentially impact the range shift of venomous marine life. Animals such as lion fish, starfish, jellyfish, and water snakes will likely begin to move away from the Ecuador as it becomes too hot for their survival. They will disperse northward to seek more moderately warm temperatures in areas near coastlines where people typically swim in the ocean. Hospitals are expected to struggle with the large influx of sting and bites needing immediate treatment. 

I think that this is an important reason as to why climate change needs to be taken seriously by the United States government. The government should focus more funding and resources towards making a long term plan to prevent climate change from impacting other aspects of the environment and causing irreversible damage. 


  1. This is just one of the potential effects of climate change. Who knows what problems could arise in the future. I agree with you-- our government needs to address this problem and work towards preventing climate change in the future.

  2. I've seen a lot of articles regarding the effects of climate change recently, and it seems like the effects are beginning to get more prominent, so I completely agree with your statement on what needs to done about climate change. If something isn't done soon, the effects of climate change will be catastrophic, and we'll end up paying the price.

  3. I think this is terrifying. You know that climate change can change a lot of things but we don't really think about how many animals (deadly or not) may migrate to another part of the Earth! And in some circumstances we might not know how to deal with them

  4. I 100% agree that more attention needs to be paid towards climate change and global warming. This is a much bigger issue than that which has been brought to our attention. Information like the news included in this article are examples of current issues that need to be not only know about on a larger scale but also acted upon by everyone. "Small" issues add up and little by little we are approaching the point where we won't be able to save the Earth.

  5. Not only is it terrifying to think that that non native animals could be spreading to regions with impunity, but also the irreversible affects that these creatures will have on other ecosystems not used to their presence let alone how their absence will affect their old ones.

  6. If the fish are truly moving north it could be very bad for our ecosystems along the coast because fish like the lion fish are extremely territorial and very dangerous i would imagine that many fish in the north will start to die


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