Beneficial Giant Corn

A large form of corn found in Oaxaca, Mexico has been found to stand at about sixteen feet tall and to drip a slimy goo. However, it is found to be the only form of corn that can take in nitrogen directly from the air to help with growth. This reduces nitrogen pollution, which is one of the biggest environmental problems facing the world.

If other crops can begin to take in nitrogen for direct groth, nitrogen pollution will cease and a huge environmental problem that has only a few steps toward a solution will find its answer.   (September)


  1. WHOA! Very cool. There are only certain plants that form a symbiotic relationship with a certain type of fungi in order to fix atmospheric nitrogen into something that is usable by plants. Corn was never on the list!

  2. This is very cool but I think if I saw this in real life it would creep me out.


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