As climate, Mice morph

This article is really cool because it has good sources and it is not fake news. I think it is very interesting that species are evolving just because of climate change. This shows that species are adapting to their environment when it changes. The resource is one you can trust as well. This is a topic that interests me and I would love to learn more about it. I would go and look at more research on this and ask some questions onto how their body changes over time. They should do an experiment with different species in that environment. See if they adapt as well.


  1. How do you know it is not fake news? (and why even mention fake news?) How do you know you can trust this source? You don't need to make statements like this if this is supposed to be a summary.

  2. Interesting article to read as it is interesting to see how a species evolves over the course of 50 years due to how the climate is changing. It pushes m to wonder if this isn't the only article about a certain species evolving due to the climate.


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