Climate Change and Coffee

Recent reports are said that the recent climate change can have a major a effect on the coffee plants themselves. The colder temperatures that are in the areas where the plants are growing effect how quickly the coffee plants ripen. But with climate change occurring and temperatures being warmer, this causes the coffee plants to ripen very slowly making coffee beans not as flavorful. Coffee farmers are saying that the price of coffee could increase because of the inability to grow beans that are plentiful and good quality as well.
I think that this could majorly effect the way that we could assume coffee products and how much we import them. We could see a major change in price on coffee because of having to import it more often. Ethiopia, one of the main producers of coffee could see a major dip in their economy.


  1. This is a great example of climate change that could make a vast majority of people care more about climate change because a lot of people do drink coffee. This could allow people to want to create more of a change for the environment.

    1. I agree with Emily, since most people don't pay a lot of attention to environmental issues. However if one or more of those issues were to affect something in their everyday lives it might bring them to give more thought to our ecosystem and how we can create a healthier planet. (Even if the reason does come from something as simple as a change in their coffee, that motivation would be better than nothing).

  2. Personally i prefer coffee beans at 23.8 degrees. but really this is actually quite interesting. Strange but neat.

    1. I agree with Jared. Also, perhaps if Dunkin and Starbucks go out of business we will get better coffee houses that have a better and healthier choices.

    2. I agree with Jared. Also, perhaps if Dunkin and Starbucks go out of business we will get better coffee houses that have a better and healthier choices.

  3. I agree with Emily, and it could put some businesses in jeopardy. What happens to Dunkin and Starbucks are going to have a tough time making money.

  4. It is interesting to see that the price of Coffee can/will increase and cause a change the flavor due to global warming.

  5. What if we lived in a world without a $5 cup of coffee increasing? Life might be better, more flow through small businesses and our wallets would thank us that normal coffee will go from around $2 to $5 as opposed to others' like $5 to $8. Maybe we should get people to actually reduce our impact on global warming. I don't like spending a Ben a month on coffee, man.

  6. This is actually a very important topic! Because so many people drink coffee that if the price goes up it will affect a lot of people. I feel like it would be such a major topic for awhile too.

  7. This could affect a lot of people all around the world because coffee is consumed all around the work. This also shows how much of an effect climate change can have on the world because some countries rely on coffee beans to support their economy. This could increase poverty world wide,as well as increase the price for consumers.


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