Whales freeze and flee when frighten

Narwhals environment is being attacked. They live in an Arctic habitat. Now that the ice caps have been melting it is becoming a lot easier for ships to travel in those parts of the sea. Also meaning more humans in that area. This is something narwhals never had to deal with, the humans and the nets. BBC believes that since there are been more dead narwhal sighting are due to their heart and not humans. A narwhals heart decreases when in fear and swims a lot faster away then it ever has. Causing the narwhal to loose oxygen in the brain and sometimes dies. BBC believes that it is the narwhals fault themselves. While truly it is the traffic in the water causing the fear in narwhal. This article was biased because BBC news is already known to be bias, and the reporter doing this story is saying how they feel on the subject. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-42259289


  1. The Narwhal's fight or flight is that dramatic? That explains why they live in such a remote area. If they get so frightened that they end up causing harm to themselves, I am amazed that they are still around.

  2. It is really upsetting that narwhals are dying simply because they are getting frightened. Humans should stop invading the narwhal's habitat in order to save the narwhals so that they don't become extinct.

  3. This article is very awful to read. I feel like it is just another example of humans putting the blame on anything other than themselves. Humans are messing up everything and never look in the mirror for the blame. Hopefully one day, the narwhals can have a safe home for themselves away from humans.

  4. It's a shame that people are actually scaring the narwhals to death. Hopefully either people leave the narwhals territory alone or find another solution. It would be awful for another species of animal to become endangered due to the actions of humans.

  5. I agree the sight is bias, I personally do agree with them though. If it wasn't for humans and our ships scaring the narwhals they wouldn't be dying so often like they are.

  6. It is very interesting to find that narwhals actually can kill themselves and that they decrease their heart when in fear of something. Human interaction can be believed to be a large part of this because the narwhals wouldn't be so frightened if humans weren't there. Human interaction is just not meant to be in some areas of the world and this appears to be one of them.


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