Breathing new life into renewable energy

As the demand for green energy grows, so does the size and material used to create things like wind turbines.Oddly enough, the cheapest solution to replacing the aging blades is leaving them sit, polluting the environment and severely contradicting green energy advocates pleas for a safe environment. Solar panels and micro batteries used to provide further energy are also near impossible to recycle. The NREL has a plan to increase their mandate of maintaining an environmental cycle by including the waste they create in the cycle. The current best blades are non recyclable so now more research is being put into the idea.

I think is an oddly misleading article. It suggests that the green energy system is flawed but it doesn't point out the worst parts. Wind and solar energy are horribly unreliable and would be impossible to convert the nation to such a power supply because devices for storing captured energy haven't been invented yet. Furthermore, clean options like natural gas fracking and nuclear power are fields that hold reliable potential but due to the politicization of the issue, the clean energy party refuses to accept the viable idea.



  1. Even though I am not very knowledgeable on how exactly wind turbines and solar panels help in creating a cleaner power source, from reading your summary of the article you read, it seems contradictory that these "clean" energy sources are using materials to make parts for these inventions that ultimately, when it comes time to replace the old parts, causes harm to our environment. I believe it should be of utmost importance to these companies creating these wind turbines and solar panels, to invest in materials that make the parts recyclable and therefore reusable. As this could help in saving money for these companies in the long run, as they are reusing materials, and be more eco-friendly, because they are not polluting the earth with putting these old parts in land fills.


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