Planting a Trillion Trees Won't Help

Summary: Studies about climate change are very important since they give an idea of what is happening in the world and how people can change to save this world. Studies are extremely important since there are non-believers that climate change is actually occurring. So, that is why this article focuses on the math that other researchers have done incorrectly. Because it is important when arguing your side to have facts that are accurate and concrete. The example the article gives is that a study claimed that if a trillion trees were to be planted in certain areas that would help combat climate change. But, when the math is done correctly and calculated correctly the claim of planting trees doesn't add up or won't make as much of an impact as the incorrect research states.

Reaction: I believe in the same concept and idea as this article states. If we want to be able to make people believe in climate change we need to make sure our data we are presenting is accurate so our argument can't be argued back well. Because if you present false or incorrect data the other side would have a good go at making you not really credible or reliable. I also do take into consideration that it doesn't matter how much data and facts you give people they will believe what they want to believe. But, for the more reasonable people or people in the middle of this argument, we can at least give them credible and reliable data. For if we do then the people who can be reasoned with will chose our side which is that climate change is in fact occurring and we have numerous studies and test to back up are arguing.

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  1. I find it very interesting that planting a ton of trees really won't make a difference. I mean, I guess in the grand scheme of things not even a million trees is really that much. I feel like removing what is already harming our environment, such as pollution, instead of just trying to counteract with adding more trees would be the better solution.

  2. I agree with you. There's no point in arguing something if you're not credible. If people still choose not to believe something is happening with enough research and ways to prove it, then they're just being ignorant. Even if the information in planting a trillion trees wasn't accurate, it would still help the environment. The Earth is at a point where every little bit helps.


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