Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Shrinks to Record Small Size

      The ozone hole above Antarctica is where the sun's harmful UV rays burst through. The layer is made up of  molecules containing three oxygen atoms and grows about 20 million kl, but due to the unusual warm weather in the Southern Hemisphere the hole extends less the 10 million kl. This is good for the Southern Hemisphere due to the ozone will be higher and the UV levels will be lower. This is the smallest that the hole has been since the early '80s. The higher temperatures are good for the ozone layer due to the temperatures and the affect that greenhouse gases have. Carbon dioxide has an opposite affect on the stratosphere layer. The stratosphere layer absorbs the CO2 and the emits the heat into outer space cooling the ozone layer off

       I think that this is a very interesting topic do to the fact that greenhouse gases are helping cool down the earth but not warming it up but that it is truly cooling it down that. To me were were always taught that the gases were warming up the environment but its realy  helping the ozone and cooling down the earth instead of warming it up. Also this is very god news due to that the UV rays won't be that strong so if this keeps up. Also the ozone hole will keep shrinking eventual not allowing an harmful UV rays into the Earth.



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