Metal straws cant solve this

Plastic straws and other garbage that wind up in the ocean plague the species of the ocean. Those of them that are left that is. An equally important issue is the rate at which the most popular types of fish are being harvested. The most common types of fish for consumption are Tuna, Anchovies, and Sardines are being consumed at rates so high that it throws off the balance of the ecosystem. Another under exposed issue is how high the consumer rates are of shellfish such as oysters, mussels, and clams. The reason that the consumption rates of these oceanic species is so important is that by decreasing the biodiversity of the species creates a situation where it is too difficult for them to evolve and continue to repopulate.

I think this is extremely important when considering how you impact the earth. While you might be recycling, reusing, and may even be plastic free; it doesn't mean that you have done everything to help the plants and animals living in the oceans.


  1. I agree with this, With the amount of polution in the ocean and the amount of overfishing we do, i am concerned on what the oceans will look like a century from now.

  2. I feel that the lack of biodiversity is a big problem that we will see more in our oceans. With rising sea levels and temperature changes there will be a decreasing number of sea life populations. This is very dangerous for the health of our oceans.

  3. When looking at ecological efforts being made on a wide scale, industry has a large effect on what consumers see as important. Efforts to reduce plastic use (which certainly isn't bad, but isn't as important as other actions) have been picking up steam lately, but many other concerns are brushed away. This isn't exclusive to the spread of ecological information, though. Much of this controlling of what is seen and how it is seen is part of the media cycle. To say it is very easy to fall prey to traps of token gestures is, at the least, an understatement. For example, many corporations start green initiatives, which tend to be covered by news outlets widely, but they still act as a major polluter (this is ignored). Noam Chomsky does a great job covering this phenomenon in his book "Manufacturing Consent," but this isn't the place for me to get into that. Nonetheless, throughout the last few current events I've found myself seeing the social and political circumstances of ecology acting as microcosms for much of the corruption in the world. I think campaigns like the pushing of metal straws is just an aspect of the mechanics of said microcosm.


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