UN Says That Strides Toward a Plant-Based Diet Can Help Fight Climate Change

Summary: Within this article, it brings up how scientists and officials aren't necessarily telling people they need to adopt a vegan or vegetarian diet, and with this it also touches on some key points of their research itself. Some of which including that the research being conducted on how the overwhelming consumption of meat and dairy products is contributing to climate change is showing that those in the West, specifically, are eating way more meat and dairy than they need to be, our land is not being used effectively for the production of food, and also that we're wasting too much food. All of these things are the main concerns in which the UN touches on when some of the officers say that, "Switching to a plant-based diet can help fight climate change." Ultimately, this article brings this statement from the UN, an international organization, to readers' eyes, as well as concludes with ways by which scientists have found to be the best solutions to helping the problem at hand. Some of these solutions including for humans to eat less red meat and more vegetables, safeguard and restore peatlands, encourage "agroforestry," where food crops are mixed with trees, and overall to try and improve crop varieties so our soil doesn't get depleted.


Response: Recently, for my paragraph I had to write, as a preliminary assignment, for our future research paper in English, I was researching how exactly plant based companies are making their way up, as their products gain demand. In this research, I also discovered that one of their key business tactics is purposely not labeling themselves as vegan. This of which I feel completely coincides with why scientists aren't blatantly telling people to go vegan or vegetarian, because to many people, completely switching their diet is unfeasible. In the end, I thought this was a good article, and brings more attention to how our daily actions/food choices contribute to climate change, and how we can change that.


  1. I think the article was really interesting. Eating a more plant-based diet is something almost everyone could do. Even if everyone made a small change to their diet, for example, not eating meat one day out of the week, it would make a huge difference for the climate. Although this would be a simple way to help, most people don't realize the impact their diet has on the environment.

  2. This is definitely an article that some people will need to read if they have misconceptions about eating a more plant based diet. I know many people will assume right away that this means becoming a veterinarian or vegan, which is obviously not the case. It is also important to know what the affects of eating too much meat and dairy products can do to our environment.


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