Oceans Are in Danger

October 5, 2019

Hundreds of millions of people along the coasts are beginning to face risks associated with the rising ocean temperatures. Scientists say that a combination of hotter ocean temperatures and rising sea levels can make hurricanes worse, like they did with Hurricane Harvey. Humans aren't the only species being effected by these changes, though. Many fish populations are starting to decline in many areas because the warmer temperature of the water is throwing off the ecosystem. A report, written by 100 international experts and consisting of over 7,000 studies, has revealed that the oceans are becoming hotter, more acidic, and less oxygen-rich as a result of the greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists have also stated that these repercussions will be very difficult to prevent, unless there is a sharp decline in the emissions. Overall, I feel that global warming is a very serious issue that needs to be taken more seriously, and that there needs to be more steps taken to help reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses being put into the atmosphere and oceans.

Want to read more? Click here.


  1. I agree that this is a very important topic at the moment. The problems associated with global warming are coming into view more each day. Do you know how they plan on taking action against this problem? Do they have a plan of action?

  2. I agree that this is very important and that this is a major issue in today's world. If steps are not taken to greatly lower emissions many ocean species could potentially even go extinct and that is a scary thought.

  3. Global warming needs to be taken more seriously and I think the problem with that is people are still viewing global warming as a political stance, rather than scientific fact. I believe that one of the largest steps that needs to be taken against global warning is shifting the mindset of the people in order for them to understand the danger of the situation if we do not take action.

  4. I agree that this is a very important topic to talk about. I think that this issue needs to be dealt with as a universe and not just individual states, or continents. This is a global issue and I believe that we all need to come together and figure out how to "reverse" this effect. As much as this is a stretch being that not everyone gets along, maybe we should put those issues aside for a little bit, and focus on getting our home, back to how it used to be.

  5. I agree that global warming needs to be taken more seriously by everyone, so that the dangers of the situation do not become worse. If everybody puts in a little effort we can greatly decrease the amount of emissions. I do not want to see or experience the worse things that can happen if we do not start working on this with more effort.


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