Rising sea estimates

A new estimate shows that nearly triple the amount of people will be at risk of flood areas. The estimation is based on a possible rise of waters of 5 to 10 meters. If the global temperature is kept at around 2 degrees Celsius above the postindustrial levels, the homes of over 350 million people. That number rises to a possible 480 million people if emissions are left unchecked and any sort of melting from ice formations in the arctic. These numbers are only based on 2010 population There is of course a chance of migration and infrastructure to better protect against flooding, but by the time these estimations may come to fruition the population will already be greatly increased.

Obviously the numbers presented are an overreaction, because rising water levels isn't something that just happens. People in the affected areas will leave and nations will provide infrastructure to lessen the damage, but it is still jarring to think that in the next hundred years, the homes of hundreds of millions of people could be in areas affected by the rise. If things aren't done soon, millions of people could be forced to move, and irreversible effects on the Earth could take place.



  1. I think your response to this was really interesting because not may people keep in mind that citizens wont just stay put and their homes be swallowed in water. The people who's homes will be at risk will move. How does this great migration of people effect the cities and rural areas of countries? How would this effect homelessness, pollution, and waste removal?


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