Rising Oceans vs. Coastal Cities

By the year 2050, rising sea levels will affect certain coastal cities more heavily than was thought at first. Research has been made to show that over 150 million people are currently living in cities that may be completely covered by ocean waters halfway through the century. Big centers of countries such as Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam will completely vanish if the calculated future outcomes are correct. Over 20 million people in Vietnam live on land that will be covered in the next half century. Satellite research also shows that many more countries in Asia and Europe will be highly affected. Not much has been done to stop this situation and global warming seems to be the main issue.

This situation is very scary and something needs to be done to stop it. The situation is worsening quickly and it seems like not there is not much we can do to stop global warming as a whole. Humanity can only slow what is already coming, so we might as well prepare ourselves for a devastating global event. This event could lead to collapsing of countries and economies which is really a spooky thing to think about.

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  1. There is a great (and scary) program on pbs titled "Sinking Cities". It looks at 4 major cities - New York, London , Tokyo & Miami and shows what is going on now & what is going to happen when the seas rise even more. They try to show some solutions, but from watching the programs it looks like it is not going to be enough.


  2. Thanks for the input! I'll be sure to check out that website.


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