Bad Air Quality in the US Could be Hurting Many People

As humans continue to pollute the air everyday, it is having many negative affects on us in the US. Within the past few years, air quality has gotten worse because of things like burning of fossil fuels and we are not doing a good job at fixing the pollution. The bad air quality may be the cause of thousands of premature deaths. The bad air quality can also be costing us billions of dollars to fix the damage it is causing with things like increased wildfires. It is terrible that the pollution of the air has got this bad and we continue to let it happen. All of us could help fix this issue, by using alternate energy forms. I hope that we all come together to fix this before it gets even worse.


  1. Unfortunately, I am not surprised by this, as we have had bad pollution for years now. I am surprised though that more isn't being done due to it causing health issues as well as billions of dollars in damage.

  2. I think it is interesting that the burning of fossil fuels and air pollution can cause so much more damage than just bad air quality. Since it is causing so much destruction and death to our environment, I agree that more people should step up and try to work towards a better solution for this issue.

  3. I think this article is very fascinating and that we need to understand the harm that we are causing to not only the air but the people who have to breathe it in with the chemicals we are releasing. Therefore, we need to change our ways by using alternate energy forms to stop premature deaths from occurring and we need to do it quick before it effects the population more than it already has.


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