Sea Level Rise Accelerating Along US Coastline, Scientists Warn

Of 32 gauge stations along the US coast, 25 have found that there are definite increases in the acceleration of the rate of the sea level rising. This will have even more dire consequences for the 40% of Americans who live on or near the coast than expected The increase could be revealing that the the effects of global warming will be on the worse end of projections by scientists. Even the lower ends of predictions would have drastic consequences for major cities, such as New York City and Miami. The higher ends of the predictions would have massive destruction associated with them.

With the climate continuing to worsen, economic inequality growing, and the coronavirus spreading, it's very difficulty to be positive for the future. The world's condition continues to deteriorate and articles this like beg the question: is there anything we can do about it now? The best we can do is hope that we aren't past the point of no return, but we very well could be. What are we to do then? Just simply resign to our fate? Why do I, my children, and so many others have to suffer so that a few guilty people can reap the rewards of a massively industrialized world? I think with how poorly so many current events are turning out, I can't remain optimistic anymore. To me, the theme of the world right now is just frustration and despondency, both on micro and macro levels.


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