Warmest January Ever Puts 2020 on Track to Be One of Top 10 Hottest Years
Scientists have predicted that 2020 will be one of the hottest years on record, and has a fifty percent chance of being the hottest ever. There are records going back 141 years keeping track of weather conditions and temperatures. These predictions are based off of January this year being the hottest January in those records. Tempertures were 2.05 degrees fahrenheit above average. There is also a ninety-eight percent chance that 2020 will be in the top five hottest years. All ten warmest years so far have been since 2004 and the hottest five have been from the past five years. The year 2016 is the hottest year ever on record, but there was also a strong El Nino during the first half of the year, which contributed to the hotter temperatures. The El Nino ended and the tempertures are the same as if it hadn't ended. I think there needs to be more done about the rising tempertures. There have been many studies that show that they're directly related to the increase of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. If we keep having hotter years, we aren't going to have a stable planet to live on anymore.
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