Arctic drilling operators can’t accurately pinpoint polar bear dens — which means they can’t avoid destroying them
The normal way fuel companies scan an area to avoid polar bear dens works less then 50% of the time. This put polar bear mothers and cubs in danger because they are hidden under the ice. The infrared technology that is attached to a plane and misses about 55% of dens that are known to be in the west of the Alaskan refuge. Some readings even gave locations of polar bear inhabitants where they actually weren't any. This just shows the misguiding information that is received from these aerial images.
We live in the era of technology so it is concerning to see that accurate information is not being received. The fact that this could harm an already threatened species is even more concerning.
This is sad to hear that an animal that is already in danger of loosing their habitats due to climate change, also has a new threat of their dens being destroyed. I agree that since our technology is so advanced in this age that there should be more accurate information being given about these drilling operations, so polar bears are not put in danger.