100 million year old Millipedes

Over 450 millipedes have recently been found and completely fossilized in 100-million-year-old Burmese amber. The scientist used micro computed tomography technology, this helped identify 13 out of the 16 main groups millipedes.  

I think this is extremely important because it helps show the evolution of the of animals and how they have changed and might have adapted to new or changing environments. This also shows how  technology plays a major role in the world. With out technology it would have been very difficult to differentiate the species.



  1. I thought this was very cool to see the kind's of technology that we have.

  2. Fossils are a great way to see evolution and past life, this is a very cool post.

  3. I think this interesting to learn because we used our history to find new discoveries.

  4. Technology has a huge impact on our discoveries!


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