Fifty years ago, scientists began injecting fluid into rocks underground. The goal of this was to create small earthquakes that could overall get rid of bigger earthquakes. They tried to research when and where earthquakes would strike and think of how to prepare for them. Looking forward, it was found that a bunch of small, man-made earthquakes do not stop big earthquakes from occurring. Pushing the liquid into the underground rocks actually creates more major earthquakes. Oklahoma has recently experienced a lot of earthquakes due to fluid injections many years ago.
Overall, humans were always stupid and tried fighting fire with fire. We got a little bit smarter, but not much, although we like to be cocky and think we're the best species alive. I wonder if Californians were the ones to think of this. The lack of water over there really gets to their heads. I'm happy I'm chilling on the east coast


  1. I wonder how they thought of the idea of injecting fluid into rocks? It's crazy of the thing that scientists think of.


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