Chinese ‘tweets’ hint that happiness drops as air pollution rises

In China, where air pollution is very high, scientists have conducted a study to see how air pollution affects people's happiness. They conducted the study on a social media platform, analyzing thousands of posts. They discovered that when air pollution is higher, people are more depressed. This affects women more than men, and more on weekends than weekdays. This is very interesting, because it's a new way of looking at different data to make conclusions about our environment. If this is used more it could show how many different environmental factors affect us.


  1. This is very interesting and something i have never thought about. I agree that our environment directly affects us both physically and mentally.

  2. It is interesting to see how much the changing climate affects us. I can see how it could affect happiness, because with the increase in pollution, especially in China, people may not be able to do some of the things they previously would have been able to. I hope that this information is used to help initiate change, and that there are other discoveries that continue to occur.


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