giant pandas may have only recently switched to eating mostly bamboo

Giant Pandas only recently began consuming bamboo as their primary food source about 5,000 years ago. This is a lot more recent than scientist's had previously thought, as the scientists were about 2 million years off their previous prediction. This shows that the panda bears had previously adapted to many different environments and living conditions, with the different isotopes of oxygen and carbon molecules in their bone structures.

It is interesting to note that panda bears had adapted so much more than scientists previously realized. This is important because they may need to adapt in the future depending on the conditions of their environment. It is also interesting, and somewhat concerning, to see that the scientists were off on the pandas diets by 2 million years. It is quite unbelievable, and makes me wonder how many other events they are off by with that big of a number.


  1. This is interesting as we've always thought of panda bears as eating bamboo, which makes me wonder what their primary food source was before they adapted to their environment. It is also good to see that we are getting closer and closer to the exact dates and time periods in which past events have occurred.

  2. Lolololol! When I read the word "recently" in the title, I thought you meant like a couple weeks ago. To my pure and utter shock, you meant 5,000 years ago!!! I suppose that is fairly recent from a different perspective of time. Anyhow, I agree with the notion that the pandas' ability to adapt to their environment is important. This could help them to avoid extinction and possibly break free from the endangered status.

  3. This is really interesting! It's amazing how we can discover these things and learn more about pandas and other animals. Hopefully this will lead to more research and understanding of other species.


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