Oceans Warming Faster Than Expected


The oceans are currently warming at rates 40% faster than what had previously anticipated. Oceans absorb 93% of the earth's heat and have been critical in preventing land from warming at higher rates. Marine life is beginning to move in response to the warmer waters and people living in tropic areas who heavily rely on fish as a food source could be hit hard. With an increase in water temperatures, sea levels will inevitably rise causing coastal flooding and storm surges.
I think this information on ocean temperatures needs to be treated as the global crisis that it has proven to be. There needs to be a global agreement to reduce greenhouse emissions that could be contributing to this issue in order to preserve marine life and prevent catastrophes to human civilization, as well.


  1. I have not heard of this issue before which is a serious problem because of the consequences it can have on animal populations and human populations. I agree that the global agreement would be a good idea because it would bring light to this issue and get the public's attention.

  2. The time for talking is over- this is a true National if not Global emergency!

  3. This is why we must focus on what we're really doing to the environment, this will cause many issues in the future.


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