Young Seals Keep Getting Eels Stuck Up Their Noses!

If you click on the link you'll see a picture of a fairly large eel hanging from a seal's nose. (Don't worry it's not too graphic)

The research program observers are not sure how this keeps happening. They have concluded that it's most likely one of the three situations that keep causing this to happen. The seals may have been sniffing out for food and got an eel stuck in its nose, maybe the eel accidentally got caught inside the seal's nostril after flinging around as self defense, OR the seal regurgitated the eel and it came out of the nostril. One eel was TWO FEET into this poor seal's nose.. That's unsettling to think about it.... I hope scientists find out why this is happening all of a sudden and figure out a way to reduce this, it could really hurt both of these animals.


  1. It is quite weird that this has just started to happen to the seals. Seals have been eating eels their whole lives, but it just so happens that this issue has just surfaced. I hope this issue does not have a big impact on these species.

  2. Wow that is crazy. I wonder if the eels are trying to go into their nose or if its a mistake on both halves.
    Maybe they just wanted to be friends, but regardless the seals don't seem to enjoy it so I hope we can figure out how to stop it.

  3. This is super interesting I'm wondering whether this is mutual or just two dumb animals not knowing what they're doing.


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