Brine from Desalination Plants Is Creating a Salty Situation

Desalination is leading to increased amounts of brine being put back into the ocean. This is beginning to cause problems, since often this brine is still hot from processing and of course extremely salty. Since it is denser than regular ocean water, it sinks to the bottom of the sea and poisons marine life. Since it is hot and doesn't hold oxygen as well, it can also deplete oxygen wherever it goes. While desalination is important in order to provide potable water to many, it can lead to environmental damage. Some solutions for reducing the release of brine are using it for watering salt-tolerant crops or evaporating it into salt. However, desalinization is expensive as it is and many companies do not want to spend so much money on these costly changes. While desalinization is necessary in some areas to provide water for people to drink, it is also essential that we find ways to make it less environmentally damaging than it currently is in order to prevent damage to the ecosystems nearby.


  1. This seems like a very difficult situation, as desalination is very important for areas where drinkable water may not be readily available. I guess we have to choose between the lesser of two evils.

  2. We need to find a way to dispose of the extra salt and brine so that it doesn't affect our oceans.


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