Cigarette filters are the No.1 plastic pollutant ... and don't prevent cancer

Cigarette filters are the number one plastic pollutant, despite the recent controversy over plastic straws, bottles, and bags. These have cellulose acetate, which is not biodegradable. 90% of the six trillion cigarettes produced have plastic filters. Two-thirds of these are littered on the ground. Cigarettes filters are toxic to aquatic animals, and often end up in the water, killing them. There have been a few solutions to this that have been developed: adding fees to cigarette packs, fining litterers,  creating filters out of hemp, flax, or cotton, and making cigarette companies provide public ash trays.

This is unsurprising to me, as much of the world still smokes today. I believe people should raise more awareness about how cigarettes not only affect smokers, but the environment as well. The public ashtray idea seems to be a very good idea to help prevent littering, and the biodegradable filters, despite still having toxins, is a step in the right direction.

Cigarette filters are the No.1 plastic pollutant ... and don't prevent cancer


  1. I had no idea the filters are not biodegradable, they should really fix this .

  2. maybe that's why juuls are so popular

  3. Even if people do Juul, Juul pods are made of plastic so either way the smoking community contributes to pollution.

  4. I agree. Awareness should be made about how smoking impacts the health of a person as well as the environment. More and more reasons are coming out now that prove that smoking is not beneficial for anyone or anything.


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