Greenland ice melting 4 times faster than in 2003

This ice melting in Greenland is due to global warming. Growing rivers of water are streaming into the ocean during the summer, which is contributing to sea levels rising. These findings could create complications for coastal US cities, as well as island nations that are vulnerable to the rising levels. The only thing to do to keep this from happening is to adapt and mitigate further global warming.

This doesn't surprise me that much. Global warming is becoming a huge issue and not many people seem concerned about it right now because the consequences of it aren't here yet. 


  1. This article is important because global warming is actually happening. I agree with the blogger that many people do not seem to be that concerned about global warming, but I think they will be when they realize they have to leave their homes because they are under the sea. Although so much global warming has taken place, we can try to change the amount of emissions we release so that the ice does not melt as quickly as it is. The loss of this ice is a loss of a habitat for a species; the loss of this ice is also a loss for humans because the rising sea levels will take away their homes.


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