We gotta sleep or else bad things happen

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Scientists have found that our cells try to keep in rhythm with the sun. If this sleep pattern is broken we can develop illnesses such as, dementia, diabetes and heart disease. Our phones and electronics send out this blue light that messes up our sleep schedule and causes us to have problems falling asleep. The average american sleeps 2 hours less than people who lived 2 centuries ago.

I think that a big factor in Americans sleeping less is the use of phones and other electronics. I myself am guilty of the late night scrolling on my phone. Maybe if we use something to filter out that blue light we would have better sleep cycles and overall better health. Another contributing factor is the fear of missing out on important events.


  1. I think this article is interesting because I never realized that our cells tried to keep in rhythm with the sun, and even more so that illnesses can develop because of the sleep pattern being broken. Because sleep is crucial to surviving life, decreasing the electronic use is probably the best way to go.

  2. I definitely agree that technology keeps Americans up more. Hey! Hey! Hey! We have blue light blockers in the form of glasses you can wear while using technology at night. Most technology devices have night time modes which put an orange filter on your device to block the blue light it would normally give off. I think the overall schedule of an average American also contributes to loss of sleep i.e. waking up super early for school (ugh) or work.


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