
Showing posts from November, 2017

Indonesian Volcano       Mount Agung volcano on the island of Bali has been having small eruptions over the past two months as its residents are being forced to relocate. Larger eruptions are feared and predicted  yet to come for the Indonesian island. Eruptions are hard to predict when they are coming so the Bali government is forcing nearly 100,000 residents to move out of the threatened areas. The Northeastern Bali area is mainly affected when Agung erupts, covering the land with lava, ash, and mudflows. As the lava flows across the island, gases released from the lava can cause a number of respiratory problems for Bali's citizens.

Worlds First Head Transplant

This article is about a Chinese and an Italian surgeon who plan to do the worlds first head transplant in China. This is crazy to think about and there is a lot of debate on whether this should happen. Also, it seems that a lot of the motivation for the Chinese to do this is to surpass the US as the world leader in all fields. Is this valid reason to do the procedure that will cost $100 million and put lives at risk? Link

Tree Lobster: Back from the Dead

After believing that the species Dryococelus australis, also known as the tree lobster, went extinct after rats had been accidentally released onto Australia's Lord Howe Island after a steamship capsized researchers have found a second variation of the tree lobster on Ball's Pyramid. They now hope that the can reintroduce the tree lobster to Lord Howe Island once the rat problem on the island has been dealt with. They plan to deal with the rats by dropping cereal with rat poison onto the island sometime in 2018. My concern with this is that they are taking a risk by placing poisoned cereal on the island because there is a chance that not just rats will eat the cereal, native animals such as the birds that inhabit the island might become tempted to eat the cereal. It would be great to see a once native species reintroduced to the island, but I just hope they know what they are doing.

Much of the world’s honey now contains bee-harming pesticides. Neonicotinoid pesticides is showing up lately in are honeybees honey. there was a honey survey that started testing  these controversial nicotine-derived pesticides. this testing is showing how widely are honeybees are being exposed to chemicals. Three out of the Four honey being tested was effected.   They  contained measurable levels of at least one of five common neonicotinoids.    86 percent of the North American samples contained at least one of the five commonly used neonicotinoids. Almost half of the samples that they had taken cantains  more than one type of the pesticides. 

Invasive Lion Fish

 Lion Fish were dumped into the Pacific most likely by people who had them as pets or by researchers not thinking and just getting rid pf them, they were never on those reefs before and are taking over due to them being a predator. They are killing all smaller fish that they can eat, they are putting Goby species on the endangered species list and are causing issues. In years to come the environment will be changed and it will maybe not have some species which will alter the ocean which will cause even more issues.

Bat Feces: A reliable source of climate change

Bat Feces shows not only what the bat ate but this may actually show records of climate change. The isotopes found in the guano change in the nitrogen cycle and difference in precipitation during the winter months. This is a good source because there has been a big debate about whether or not the equipment from 25-30 years ago will give the same accuracy of information as equipment today. This then calls into question the reliability of the data and then if we can even begin to compare the information accurately.   Article

Bacteria Traps Carbon

This article is very interesting because it explains how these bacteria could be crucial for carbon levels and health within the ocean due to the majority of the ocean being too dark or underpopulated to support itself. It allows the readers to understand how without these bacteria we may have much lower carbon levels in our ecosystems. Here's the Article

Window Closing to Avoid Global Warming

Reading this article was quite interesting. Scientists are saying that carbon dioxide might all of been removed in the atmosphere. Which made seem like no danger to some, but this may create a temperate increase by 2100. So, this can affect the way our environment in every day life and destroy this environment. Read the article  here .

Abominable Snowman? Nope... Ryan Heydt November Current Event A new DNA study on physical evidence supposedly from abominable snowmen shows that the DNA was actually from Bears in the high Mountains of Asia.  My opinion is that the researchers may be lying to try to hide the existence of bigfoot.

China Takes Economic Hit as Environment Reaches "Point of No Return"

China's economic wealth comes at the expense of something more important - their environment. It is reported that local governments in China have kept factories and furnaces open and running even when nothing is being made. Due to this careless act, Alex Wolf of Aberdeen Standard Investments claims that China's environment is "near the point of no return". In 2015 alone, the smog in Beijing killed 1.1 million people, which is the most of any other country in the world. That being said, Beijing has acknowledged the problem and is now promoting clean energy policies throughout all of China. Do you think that China's environmental issues will continue to grow or start to diminish as their economic power grows? Read more here

Petermann Glacier Recovery Evident from 2012 low

In 2012, the declining Petermann glacier in Greenland was a "sure sign of global warming". Now, 5 years later, not only has the glacier stopped its retreat and calving, but it has evidently begun to grow in size once again. Some of this can certainly be attributed to the high amount of snow and ice that Greenland received last year. However, it is fairly clear that the Petermann glacier was growing well before last year as well. For the most part, climate alarmists chose this, among many other events, to "backup" their AGW beliefs in 2012, and some what plausible, i guess, as 2012 was a very low year in arctic sea ice. Coming back to reality, however, and 5 years later, those same climate alarmists are silent, or worse, continue to harp on other climatic events even when their forecast from 5 years before failed and neglect their false claims from before. Back in 2012, this story broke the main headlines and media. Now 5 years later the opposite is happening and I d


( An eighty million year old shark was recently pulled up from the oceans by a trawler in Portugal. Frilled sharks are very rare and therefor little is known about them. They have 300 teeth and live over two thousand feet below the ocean surface. These frilled sharks have been swimming in the depths of the oceans since dinosaurs. This is huge and shocking news to everyone. These types of sharks are rarely seen let alone caught. This trawler along with its crew were conducting a European Union project to minimize unwanted catches within the oceans. This was supposed to stop the amount of sea creatures being taken out of the oceans every year to maintain the wanted population.  

Granddaddy Hornets' Nest

In Louisiana a hornets nest was found in a shed that took 45 minutes to remove. In this video you can see and hear the amount of hornets,  The nests consists of yellow jackets and the European Hornet. In some countries, other hornets in the European Hornet family are capable of killing people without allergies as well. In Germany, the hornets are protected under federal law to keep them alive because they do pollinate the earth and are predators to other species like flies and smaller bees, keeping their populations controlled as well. Do you think bees should be protected or are they the worst creatures ever created?

Hybrid Airplane

Hanna Gralinski  Hybrid Airplane Several companies including, Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Siemans are teaming up to develop the first ever electric airplane. They want a test model by 2020, and they want the actual model up and running by 2025. The biggest problems that they will be facing is the weight of the batteries to cool the engine. I think that coming out with an electric airplane is a big step forward in saving our environment considering it takes 9,000 gallons of gas to fly cross country. 
In this article I found it says that researchers have found changes in two different species of mice in Quebec as the climate gets warmer. The data that was collected from the researchers found that the skulls of the two mice changed shape. They say that the climate warming predicts morphological change, but there is very little evidence of this happening. December current event

Mice change cause of climate

                This article is talking about how two different kinds of mice have adapted to climate change showing evidence of evolution. Research has shown that the white-footed mice an deer mice have similar traits and can be found in eastern North America. Yet the white footed mice are more of a southerly species yet because of the climate change they have migrated upward. These mice have morphed to adapt to their environment due to the climate change and also competition for resources. These changes could effect the population of each species and also could effect their behavior. I think that this is a very cool topic to read about and can't wait to see how they react in the future.

Paris Climate Agreement

Although the Donald Trump administration has stated their plans to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, 20 States, 110 cites, and 1,400 businesses have agreed to cut their fossil fuel usage in order to met the agreement the United States made. The United States has also stated they are trying to help poorer countries have reliable access to coal and fossil fuels, however, many environmentalists disagree with this movement because it could negatively affect the the environment even more with more people burning coal and fuels. Almost half of all American coal mines have been shut down in the past six years. I think that it is very important that the states, cities, and businesses are continuing to fight climate change even though the government is denying all climate issues. The United States has a lot of power when it comes to change because of our large and developed population. We could do a lot of extra damage to the planet by pulling out of this Paris Climate

Biased Current Event Article about Climate change  In this is bias but no completely bias. it explains that  global warming is occurring and gives some information  based on experiments to show how it could effect us. But throughout the paper they do not share the other side of the story.  This is why I do not consider this article a full bias article. When i was reading the paper the author made some great statement about climate change. If you want to be informed about what is going on I think you should read this!!

Climate Changes and Birds

The article I chose was . In the article it provides facts of how the climate warming that is occurring is affecting birds in California. The birds are adjusting their lifestyles to avoid the warming and breed 5-12 days in advance of their normal calendars.

Ozone Hole is its Smallest Since 1988

The higher temperatures of this year caused the hole in the ozone layer to become the smallest it has been since 1988.  The higher temperatures in the stratosphere acts to stabilize the ozone layer, which shrinks the hole year to year.  In September 2017, NASA measured the ozone hole to be 7.6 million square miles.  Currently, this makes the hole 1.3 million square miles smaller than it was in September of 2016.  Scientists pointed out that these hole sizes are way below average. Unfortunately, these two years that the ozone's hole was below average size does not mean the ozone layer is healing faster than expected.  These smaller than usual holes are a result of the Antarctic vortex not proliferation the polar stratospheric clouds.  Scientists predict that the ozone hole will not be completely healed until 2070. I knew very little about the size of the hole in the ozone layer until I read this article.  I found it very interesting, and I was amazed to learn that the ozone hole w This Article is all about this guy, Stossel, bashing Al Gore's views on climate change. the writer is trying to disprove some of Gore's ideas about climate change, especially the rising of the oceans. The basic idea behind this is, "Well it hasn't happened yet so looks like we're good". this of course is idiotic. the writer also uses very opinionated language such as, "Gore probably doesn't know that." It seems pretty obvious that this guy is just some close minded, butt-hurt conservative.

Climate Change No Way!

The article I chose to write my blog post about " Is climate change real, and is the world actually getting warmer?" This article is very bias. It is shown throughout the article in a few different ways.  One way is that the article only shows you certain facts and opinions but not once did it give the reader a fact or an opi nion from the other side of the spectrum. Climate change is a very conversational topic and should be written from both spectrum's, stating all  facts to give the reader there own view on the topic. This article gives off the vibe of shoving there own opinion, facts, and view your way. Which will lower the rate of the readers. In my opinion I enjoyed hearing the views of this article but I did not enjoy only hearing about the one side, I believe you need to know both sides of a situation to see where you stand.

Gobal Warming Isn't Real Biased Article

In the article, “5 Scientific Reasons That Global Warming Isn’t Real”, the author states that the earth’s temperatures have been flat for years and hasn’t been warming since 1997. The article is bias because each fact is bashing the facts that global warming is real and only showing how could be fake. The biased facts could make and has made many people believe that global warming is not real and because people do not think it is real they will not take the precautions necessary to possibly stop or slow down global warming. So instead of working to make the planet a better place they are sometimes unknowingly worsening the conditions.

Just out!

The Washington Post just released today an article.

Is climate change real, and is the world actually getting warmer? Is climate change real, and is the world actually getting warmer? This article isn't completely biased in all means. It is stating lots of facts to show that global warming is occurring and gives some statistics based on experiments to show how it could effect us in the future. The only reason I would consider this article biased is that it never states any information based on the other side of the argument. It is only stating whats happening, how it will effect us, and what we can do to help. The author states some great facts to prove that climate change is occuring such as "In addition to thermometer records going back to the 1880s, there is a large amount of natural evidence in the form of glaciers retreating and sea ice melting to record lows, sea levels rising by 20cm, islands disappearing, animals and plants shifting their ranges

Transparent solar technology represents 'wave of the future'

      Nature Energy scientists report a new transport technology will have the ability access unused energy and could store as much power as the big solar panels. The panels are said to be able to be applied to windows of a home. Michigan State University engineering researchers had figure that with these transparent solar applications and the rooftop solar panels, the U.S. would meet high demands of electricity and reduce the use of fossil fuels drastically. Richard Lunt, the Johansen Crosby Endowed Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at MSU said, "Highly transparent solar cells represent the wave of the future for new solar applications." The product was researched and engineered by Michigan State University, and the Richard Lunt, a member of MSU, will try to sell the product as the "future" so others can feel it is needed.

Biased Current Event

My article is biased on global warming, it states how only people who care about nature can stop global warming. It also states how global warming is for sure happening, it does not have any other side but the side for global warming, therefor this is a biased article on the fact its not open to other opinions. Its not open to other opinions o global warming or how to stop it, if it actually is happening.

Oil or no Oil?

For a long time mining in the high Arctic has been unheard of, because it is protected land. Recently their as been talk in the government that billions of dollars worth of oil could be found up there. With a government currently having more power to the republicans this find is huge. More than enough people are fighting it, trying to stress the large amount of damage this would to to the Arctic. The Arctic isn't the only concern, the impact could in general hurt everyone by increasing global temperatures from global warming, and then the ice caps melt. By the end the world is more or less under water and we become fish. Oil article