Granddaddy Hornets' Nest

In Louisiana a hornets nest was found in a shed that took 45 minutes to remove. In this video you can see and hear the amount of hornets,
 The nests consists of yellow jackets and the European Hornet. In some countries, other hornets in the European Hornet family are capable of killing people without allergies as well. In Germany, the hornets are protected under federal law to keep them alive because they do pollinate the earth and are predators to other species like flies and smaller bees, keeping their populations controlled as well.

Do you think bees should be protected or are they the worst creatures ever created?


  1. I think that bees are good for the environment. They help to pollinate the flowers. I don't think that they really have any bad impact on the environment. The only bad thing they have to people is that some people are allergic to them and they can get very sick if they sting you.

  2. PROTECTED! How else are we going to pollinate all of the flowering plants?!?!?

  3. I think they should be protected as they help to pollinate flowers, and they don't really harm anyone or anything unless they feel threatened. Therefore, if we don't threaten the bees, they won't hurt us.

  4. The hornets should 100% be protected. They have just as much of a right to colonize here on this planet as we do. Maybe the hornets wouldn't be invading public areas if we, as humans, stopped cultivating all of their thrivable land. Endangering their habitats will only lessen the gap between human and hornet coexistence. Also, who are the profound geniuses going up to hornets nests without proper protective devises and getting themselves killed?


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