Hybrid Airplane

Hanna Gralinski 

Hybrid Airplane
Several companies including, Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Siemans are teaming up to develop the first ever electric airplane. They want a test model by 2020, and they want the actual model up and running by 2025. The biggest problems that they will be facing is the weight of the batteries to cool the engine. I think that coming out with an electric airplane is a big step forward in saving our environment considering it takes 9,000 gallons of gas to fly cross country. 


  1. Hi Hanna! Can you link to the article if you get a chance? Thanks.

  2. I think this is a great idea! I think that if they are able to develop this electric plane, the environment will majorly benefit from the use of less gas in commercial airlines.

  3. I also think an electric plane is a great idea. It will be a super energy efficient way to travel, but I wonder if the companies will be able to create an actual model by 2025. Their time frame may be a little too short for what they are trying to accomplish. I'm also curious to know how much money is going to be spent testing and building the electric plane.

  4. I as well think the electric airplane is a great idea, though many problems may easily occur and it is quite nerve racking. Easily it can benefit us, but I do see things we need to get passed, and with these obstacles comes a large price tag.

  5. I think if developed correctly and right, an electric plane is a great idea. Their are millions of people who travel a year and its extremely expensive. Along with it being super efficient hopefully it will cut down on the price of plane tickets.


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