Is climate change real, and is the world actually getting warmer?

Is climate change real, and is the world actually getting warmer?

This article isn't completely biased in all means. It is stating lots of facts to show that global warming is occurring and gives some statistics based on experiments to show how it could effect us in the future. The only reason I would consider this article biased is that it never states any information based on the other side of the argument. It is only stating whats happening, how it will effect us, and what we can do to help.

The author states some great facts to prove that climate change is occuring such as "In addition to thermometer records going back to the 1880s, there is a large amount of natural evidence in the form of glaciers retreating and sea ice melting to record lows, sea levels rising by 20cm, islands disappearing, animals and plants shifting their ranges and spring coming several weeks earlier."

I enjoyed reading this article because I believe climate change is occurring and hate when people try to deny it or completely ignore it. This author gives great facts to show and prove that climate change is currently happening.


  1. I do not really see how your article is biased because it is giving facts not an opinion of the matter, but I agree how climate change is really getting worse. With the facts shown, I can see a bigger reason we need to work on this problem. Nobody should deny climate change from the facts given.

  2. Not really biased. Still a nice article to read about. Did not change my view on climate change.


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