

An eighty million year old shark was recently pulled up from the oceans by a trawler in Portugal. Frilled sharks are very rare and therefor little is known about them. They have 300 teeth and live over two thousand feet below the ocean surface. These frilled sharks have been swimming in the depths of the oceans since dinosaurs. This is huge and shocking news to everyone. These types of sharks are rarely seen let alone caught. This trawler along with its crew were conducting a European Union project to minimize unwanted catches within the oceans. This was supposed to stop the amount of sea creatures being taken out of the oceans every year to maintain the wanted population.  


  1. Due to the rarity and the fact that they have been in the deep oceans since dinosaurs, I think we should put more effort in trying to protect these animals. Will seeing these creatures continue to happen? Are deep sea fishers putting them in danger.

  2. This is super interesting to hear about these sharks, I hope that one day someone catches one it would be a really cool experience.

  3. This is a very cool discovery because we keep finding things in this world we have not seen before. Also who knows how many are living down their.

  4. It's amazing that creatures like this are living in the waters around us, yet little is known about them. This shark has been around for 80 million years and so little is known about its species due to the depths at which it lives. I wonder what other creatures live in the depths we haven't been able to study yet.

  5. The accidental catching of these sharks can be somewhat of a good thing so we can learn more about this rare species. We can also learn how to not disturb these sharks by avoiding catches.


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