Gobal Warming Isn't Real Biased Article

In the article, “5 Scientific Reasons That Global Warming Isn’t Real”, the author states that the earth’s temperatures have been flat for years and hasn’t been warming since 1997. The article is bias because each fact is bashing the facts that global warming is real and only showing how could be fake. The biased facts could make and has made many people believe that global warming is not real and because people do not think it is real they will not take the precautions necessary to possibly stop or slow down global warming. So instead of working to make the planet a better place they are sometimes unknowingly worsening the conditions.



  1. This article is interesting, considering many articles state that global warming is real. I believe it is real, but this article is good to read just to see another side.

  2. I loved reading this article I agree with you I do not believe in global warming it was nice to here an article from the opposite side.

  3. I loved reading this article I agree with you I do not believe in global warming it was nice to here an article from the opposite side.

  4. This is interesting because most people always agree that it is real, and it is good to see that someone is not going with the crowd and believing in what a majority are saying.

  5. I think scholarly articles about global warming should be written from both side of the spectrum. This way readers could read facts supporting the topic the article is on, but also read facts disproving the claims made in the article. This idea would allow readers to decide for themselves what they believe about global warming.

    1. I totally agree with you! I feel like we should be presented with facts and data and get to make our own opinions and decisions about the issue!

  6. I found the article, to me, as another reassuring piece of information to back up my opinion that notable human-induced global warming isn't occurring. The most eye-opening thing to me that I have seen, including this article, is the fact that most climate articles against global warming are on lesser known websites or even self-funded blogs. This shows the lack of funding towards the other side of the climate problem and shows that without government funding, most scientists believe against the "consensus".

  7. I personally don't believe in global warming especially the fact that humans are causing it, so it was very interesting to read an article by someone who feels that same way. The only thing that kinda bothered me with this article is that they didn't back up their facts with credible sources or at least not enough of them. If they included more credible sources more people would be more likely to believe the argument that the article is trying to make.

  8. I agree, it is interesting to look at the different sides of arguments to base my own opinions from. Periodically seeing the opposite side of what most media sources agree with is very refreshing and gives me a break from the biased media sources. we need these topics to be covered by both sides in order for all others to formulate their own opinions.

  9. I like seeing the different sides to this argument. This article brings to life an unpopular opinion, allowing others to see different beliefs.

  10. This article is really interesting to read and witness another view on the topic. I myself believe global warming is real. In order to do something about the ongoing problems we need to take all sides into consideration.

  11. This article is different in many ways. Most articles are saying that global warming is real. In my opinion global warming is real.

  12. I am struck with many questions as I read this article. While this does make me see into the depths of the other side of the argument, the one against global warming, I still have to question it. I enjoyed the use of the 5 major facts as well as the title being that because it really does catch the eye. And while I think climate change is real due to the factual evidence behind that, at least this article can back up its reasoning. I feel like regardless of whether it is real or not, the world needs to become a better, more Eco-friendly world. The main downside of stating opinions like this one is that most people will look at it, easily believe what they read, and stop making any and all contributions to benefiting the environment. It makes me upset to see that instead of being an argument as to how to better the environment, global warming and climate change have just become a political viewpoint to the public. It is no longer about the environment, but about the selfishness and egos of people trying to get more people to believe in what they have to say. Regardless of what anyone's viewpoints are, this world is not the same as it once was. It is much dirtier and not nearly as beautiful as it once was. That is one opinion that I believe most people can agree on, or maybe that will just be the next political controversy. After all, in today's sensitive world, someone could breath and it would be a controversy.

  13. this article is very different but very informing on their opinion on global warming. There are a lot of article out there that say global Warming is very real. Reading this is very different.

  14. Although most scientists support global warming and climate change, it is fascinating to see the other side of the magnet. Although I personally identify with the scientific support of global warming, it is useful to consider the research backing up the opposite opinion in order to weed out the false information given to the public by both biases. This article, and biased articles in general, help readers to develop their own opinion without one side clouding their judgement more than the other.


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