Just out!

The Washington Post just released today an article.



  1. WHOA! Big deal, considering what has been presented thus far by the Trump administration. Interesting.

  2. This article is also interesting because it is saying that climate change is all done by people. I think climate change is a problem created by people.

  3. President Trump based a large part of his campaign in siding with the Republican Party's opinion that climate change and global warming is either not as big or a threat to our planet as it comes off as, or that is does not exist at all. Clearly during election season, he had to strictly side with his party's ideals in order to secure votes that would present him with the presidential candidacy. But, now that he has won office, he is saying that global warming does exist, and is threat to our society due to environmentally harmful actions resulting from humans. If he is changing his stance on the issue, why does he continue to have Scott Pruitt, a known global warming denier, sit as the head of the EPA and why does he continue to withdraw climate policies set in place by the Obama administration (an administration that outwardly supported the findings of climate change and set in place regulations and policies to lessen the impact of human activities on the environment)? Is recognizing the issue and continuing to do nothing about it because of the impact climate change policies would have on big businesses in America? I am interested to see what the President puts forward on this matter.


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