Paris Climate Agreement

Although the Donald Trump administration has stated their plans to remove the United States from the Paris Climate Agreement, 20 States, 110 cites, and 1,400 businesses have agreed to cut their fossil fuel usage in order to met the agreement the United States made. The United States has also stated they are trying to help poorer countries have reliable access to coal and fossil fuels, however, many environmentalists disagree with this movement because it could negatively affect the the environment even more with more people burning coal and fuels. Almost half of all American coal mines have been shut down in the past six years. I think that it is very important that the states, cities, and businesses are continuing to fight climate change even though the government is denying all climate issues. The United States has a lot of power when it comes to change because of our large and developed population. We could do a lot of extra damage to the planet by pulling out of this Paris Climate Agreement and I think it is very important that we keep our pollution to a minimum.

National Geographic Article


  1. This is a very serious issue and could really effect the environment in a terrible way. I think something should be done about this that would effect the environment in a good way.

  2. As can be read this is an important issue that needs to be taken into consideration. More people should look into this and find out what is actually the correct thing to do.

  3. This is a issue that is very important and is going to keep effecting the environment. This can turn out very bad!

  4. I think this is a very serious issue, as it has the potential to effect not only OUR environment, but MANY other countries and different types of habitats. I think it was very wrong to pull out of the Paris agreement, as the agreement itself regulates business' use of fossil fuels and regulates the amount of greenhouse gases that are released into the environment. Nothing will get done to help the environment if the US pulls regulations on use of fossil fuels and the output of greenhouse gases.


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